discretion healthcare

“A unique private dermatology and sexual health service ​tailored to address all YOUR genital concerns”.

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A different approach to private ​practice in Oxfordshire

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Privacy and Confidentiality

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About Us

Emily and Steph's friendship began during ​maternity leave with coffee (strong), sleeping ​infants (if only!), and preparing for consultant ​interviews. We soon discovered we shared a ​vision, for a service that provides coordinated ​care across both our respective fields, ​dermatology and sexual health.

A few years later, our kids have grown, and so has our ​dream.

With over 10 years of experience as NHS Consultant ​Specialists, we want to be able to give our patients the ​same level of expertise, but within the private sector - ​where patients are given time and tailored treatment ​programmes right for them.

We present 'Discretion Healthcare', where expertise ​meets empathy, and where every patient is treated with ​respect, dedication and care.

Dr Emily Lord

As a mother of 3 boys, Dr Lord has a ​pragmatic and non-judgemental attitude ​towards clinical care. She will be able ​to reassure you - whatever the problem.

Dr Lord is a top Sexual and Reproductive Health consultant in ​Oxford. She has been an NHS consultant at Oxfordshire ​Sexual Health Services for over five years, and is the current ​clinical lead.

She is a clinical expert in sexual health, HIV medicine and ​contraception, and is professionally qualified in these areas. ​Her specialist interest is managing long-term complex ​genital issues, such as Vulval Pain Syndrome, or Vulvodynia.

She offers confidential and comprehensive sexual and ​reproductive healthcare; tailored to your unique needs.

To view all of Dr Lord’s Sexual Health and HIV services, click ​here.

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Dr Stephanie Arnold

Dr Arnold started her dermatology ​training in Sydney before becoming a ​consultant in Oxford. She won the ​Australasian College of Dermatologists ​Travelling Fellowship and the Florance ​Bequest Fellowship during her training.

Dr Arnold has a wealth of experience in skin cancer ​diagnosis and management, general medical dermatology, ​skin surgery and laser treatment of benign and malignant ​conditions.

Her passion and particular area of expertise lies in vulval ​dermatology, including vulval lichen sclerosus, vulval pain ​disorders, changes due to menopause, and precancerous ​conditions such as VIN.

To view all of Dr Arnold’s Dermatology services, click here.

We work together - providing ​comprehensive, holistic care.

Manny clinicians’ provide private healthcare , so why choose us?

Having worked together in the NHS for years, Dr Arnold and Dr Lord ​understand how dermatology and sexual health presentations can ​be related. So they provide a comprehensive service ​encompassing both specialities - making it easier for patients to ​get the help they need.

General Dermatology

Meets Sexual Health

Menopause-related vulval issues​

  • Thorough dermatological assessment and treatment programme.
  • A review of any new vaginal discharge or irritation - ruling out infections.
  • Help in addressing problems enjoying sex after menopause.​


  • Comprehensive skin assessment.
  • Thorough review of your hormonal status.
  • Expert contraception advice, to help with symptoms or acne medication.

Severe Eczema or Psoriasis

  • Full dermatological assessment and treatment programme.
  • A full infection screen to rule out blood born virus that can cause or ​worsen skin conditions.

Vulval Problems

Many vulval skin conditions go untreated due ​to fear and embarrassment.

Women often have symptoms for months or ​years, seeing countless doctors and being ​told things like, 'you just have thrush'.

We will listen, examine and diagnose your ​problem and treat it.

We can help with:

  • vaginal pain
  • pain during sex
  • vaginal dryness
  • vaginal itch/irritation
  • vaginal discharge

Our expertise in genital dermatology is unmatched.

Dr Arnold specialises in vulval ​dermatology, expertly managing ​conditions such as lichen sclerosus, pain ​disorders, menopause-related changes, ​VIN, and extramammary Paget’s disease. ​She also recognizes the broader impact ​of skin conditions like psoriasis and ​eczema on the genital area, and will ​evaluate your overall skin health.

Dr Lord, also has expertise in vulval pain ​and skin problems, and works with Dr ​Arnold to ensure all infective causes are ​ruled out, for example, chronic thrush ​and BV. She can also help explore how ​these conditions affect you, your partner ​and your sex life - and help improve ​things!

Worried about your penis?

She may just change your life......

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Tight Foreskin?

Irritated Penis?

Genital Rashes?

Penile or Testicular pain?

Dr Lord understands that any issue with your genital ​region can be worrying and embarrassing. She will ​ensure you have a thorough assessment and put you at ​ease.

Whilst the thought of being examined may be terrible, ​the stress of not knowing what is wrong is much worse! ​Dr Lord will give you reassurance, a diagnosis and ​personalised treatment plan.

Help with Vaginal ​Discharge

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Change in your discharge?

Vaginal discharge is normal. All women produce it, and the amount, colour and ​consistency varies with age and menstrual cycle. But if you have a change in your ​discharge, you should get it checked out. Dr Lord will do a thorough assessment, ​and ensure all relevant tests are carried out to rule out infections. She will then ​ensure a personalised treatment plan is prescribed.

Recurrent Thrush or BV?

Some women experience recurrent vaginal discharge, including candida (thrush) ​and bacterial vaginosis (BV). Dr Lord can help you understand why these ​conditions keep re-occurring, and will ensure you receive the best treatment to ​help control the frequency of recurrences.

Infective causes

Hormonal Cause

Non-Infective Causes

STIs: chlamydia, ​gonorrhoea, TV, ​HSV.

Non-STI: candida, ​BV, strep ​infections.

Varies with menstrual cycle

Hormonal contraception


During/after menopause

Testosterone use in trans-males

Foreign bodies

Cervical polyps and ​ectopy

Irritation from products

Genital tract malignancy

“Patients who are worried about STIs sometimes feel embarrassed ​and ashamed. My job is to make you feel comfortable and relaxed, ​to really listen to your problems and understand how they affect ​your. I ensure all relevant investigations are taken, but will not ​perform unnecessary expensive tests. I provide a safe environment ​for you to openly discuss their concerns and receive help, without ​fear of stigma or shame.

My services are confidential and not linked to your GP or ​hospital records - using a bespoke IT system, with tests ​performed on a unique number - not your name.”

Dr Emily Lord

STI Care

Testing & Diagnosis

  • Chlamydia, gonorrhoea, TV, Mycoplasma Genitalium
  • Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV)
  • Syphilis, HIV, Hepatitis A/B/C
  • Warts, Molluscum Contagiosum, Scabies; Public Lice.


‘Gold Standard’ management for all STIs, in line with BASHH UK guidance.

  • Quick postage of medication available.
  • Hepatitis A and B vaccinations
  • 4-strain HPV vaccination - Gardasil (protects against genital warts & cancers.

Partner Notification

  • If an STI is diagnosed, we will help discretely Inform sexual partners
  • We will get them tested and treated - if needed, without using your name.

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Your Questions Answered...

Dr Lord answers the questions you are too embarrassed to ask.....

Nothing is off limits!

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Why is my ​penis itchy and ​sore?

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How do I know ​if my ​discharge is ​normal?

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What is a female


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HPV diagnosis & treatment


Human Papilloma Virus

Human papillomavirus (HPV) is a common virus that can affect various sexual organs. Most people ​will get HPV at some point, but it usually disappears. For some people, it does not - and can cause ​cancers.

How can Discretion Healthcare help?

Dr. Lord can perform your smear test, and the lab can identify all high risk HPV sub-types. If ​detected, she will refer you to Ms Karin Hellner for immediate assessment. To view Dr Hellner’s ​profile, click here.

Sometimes, HPV related changes can cause symptoms in the vulva or anal areas. You may notice ​skin changes, itch, irritation, or abnormal bleeding.

Dr Lord and Dr Arnold can identify any worrying skin lesions and ensure you have a full assessment ​and all relevant diagnostic tests. If any pre-cancerous lesions are detected, they will ensure you ​are treated immediately, either within their service, or if more appropriate, they will refer you to the ​relevant specialist, including Dr Hellner, or, they will refer you to the relevant specialist, including Dr ​Hellner for treatment of your cervix or to Mr David James for management of anal lesions.

Fees Explained

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With a tailored approach to care, any diagnostic tests and ​ongoing treatment will carry fees specific for your individual ​situation.

We will ensure we always discuss these with you, upfront and ​openly - to ensure you understand what is being charged, why ​and when.

It is worth noting that some patients will get two bills, one from ​us, and another from the health centre.

Data Table Chart

Dr Arnold

1st consultation: £270

(​£350 for vulval)

Dr Lord

1st consultation fee: £250

(smear only £90)

Virtual consultation: £175

Follow-up fee:


Follow-up fee:


Additional remote consult

(following assessment by ​Dr Lord):


Additional remote consult

(following assessment by ​Dr Arnold):


Joint 1st Consultation fee: £450

Joint Follow-up fee: £35​0

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Online booking with Dr Arnold

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Online booking with Dr Lord & ​Dr Arnold

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To make an appointment or to find out more about our ​other services - check out our Top Doctors profiles.

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Privacy Policy

Effective Date: January 2024

Dr Arnold and Dr Lord are operating as independent sole practitioners. Discretion healthcare is a brand name under which they ​are both operating, and not a legal partnership, limited company or other enterprise. They maintain an autonomous professional ​relationship, devoid of any financial affiliations.

Their collaborative efforts are dedicated to the provision of superior quality care, ensuring a seamless integration of ​dermatological and sexual health expertise in cases demanding comprehensive evaluation and review.

This Privacy Policy outlines how we collect, use, disclose, and safeguard your personal information. By engaging with our ​services, you consent to the practices described in this policy.

Information We Collect

Personal Information:

  • We may collect personal information such as ​names, contact details, date of birth, and medical ​history when you register for our services.

Health Information:

  • In the course of providing healthcare services, we ​may collect and process health-related ​information to ensure the highest standard of ​care.

Payment Information:

  • If applicable, we collect payment information for ​billing purposes. This is undertaken using a highly ​secure 3rd party invoice firm.
  • If you are insured, then your insurance details may ​also be taken.

Communication Data:

  • We may store records of your communications ​with us, including emails, messages, and any other ​correspondence.

How We Use Your Information

Service Provision:

  • Personal and health information is used to provide ​healthcare services, including diagnosis, treatment, ​and ongoing medical care.


  • We use your contact details to communicate with ​you about appointments, test results, and other ​healthcare-related matters.

Billing and Payments:

  • Payment information is not stored by Dr Lord or Dr ​Lord.

Quality Improvement:

  • We may use aggregated and anonymized data for ​quality improvement, research, and to enhance our ​services.

Information Sharing

Third-Party Service Providers:

  • We engage with 3rd party service providers to assist with ​certain aspects of our operations, such as billing or IT ​support.
  • These providers are bound by confidentiality agreements ​and are required to comply with applicable data protection ​laws.

Legal Compliance:

  • We may disclose your information when required by law or ​in response to legal requests.
  • Data Security

Security Measures:

  • We employ industry-standard security measures to protect ​your personal and health information from unauthorized ​access, disclosure, alteration, and destruction.

Your Rights

  • Access and Correction:
    • You have the right to access and correct your personal ​information held by us. To do this, you will need to ​ensure you submit a subject access form.
  • Withdrawal of Consent:
    • You may withdraw your consent for the processing of ​your information at any time.


Discretion Healthcare adheres to the guidance provided by the Care Quality Commission (CQC). This guidance incorporates the National Data Guardian's standards and offers advice on meeting the ​requirements of the Data Protection Act 2018. Our commitment to following this guidance ensures compliance with data protection standards and legal obligations.

At Discretion Healthcare, we understand our service users place their trust in us by sharing sensitive and confidential information. In return, we ensure we maintain and safeguard this information:

  • All forms of identifiable information, whether in written, computerised, visual, audio-recorded, or memorised form, are subject to the duty of confidentiality.
  • This commitment is particularly crucial in matters related to sexual and reproductive health, where for some, confidentiality is paramount. We adhere to strict rules and regulations in those > 18 ​years. Information is only shared with other health professionals if we have the patient’s consent to do so.
  • This would only be broken in exceptional circumstances, if it was deemed either they or somebody else was in danger of harm. It would always be discussed within a senior multi-disciplinary team ​before any decision was made.

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